It's a gorgeous day in Chicago and we just sent out our first five FULL RIDE SCHOLARSHIP acceptance emails for our Morning Intensive Summer Camp!
These scholarships will enable students from across the city of Chicago who have demonstrated both significant academic and financial need to receive 60 instructional hours of structured literacy intervention.
If you can't tell, we are pretty excited about it.
However, we have additional students who have applied. Because we are not able to offer any more full rides at this time, we have decided to open up a sponsorship option for individuals who are looking for a way to support Chicago's youth.
If you would like to sponsor a student this summer, we will give them the most reduced price we are able to offer for the six weeks of literacy therapy: $1200. This breaks down to $20 an hour, compared to the city-wide rate of $100-$140. We recognize this is still a pretty large chunk of money, so if you wanted to sponsor a portion of a student's tuition, that would be amazing. We will either combine it with another sponsor or apply it towards a student's tuition, allowing a family who demonstrates financial need to pay less than the $1200.
If you have any questions or are interested in partnering with a Chicago student in their literacy journey, please give us a call at 312-813-5141 or shoot us an email at We would love to hear from you:)