Redwood Literacy Chicago: Dyslexia Help & Intervention

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Can My Child With Dyslexia Learn How To Read?

Have you asked yourself this question after receiving a dyslexia diagnosis? If so, check out this quick video that breaks down the answer. Spoiler alert — it’s a resounding yes!

This is one of the top questions I have heard from parents across the last decade working as a Dyslexia Practitioner. The dyslexia diagnosis can feel really scary at first and anxiety over the uncertainty about what this reality may mean for your child can feel overwhelming. But you aren’t alone! The latest research shows that about 1 in 5 individuals are born with a dyslexic brain, so your child is in good company. With intentional self-awareness and self-advocacy, reading and writing remediation based on the science of reading, and continual training and access to assistive technology, which are some of the best gifts you can give your child with dyslexia, your child CAN find their way through their educational journey towards whatever their professional goals may be. Although there are several challenges with having a dyslexic brain, especially in our modern educational and professional environments, good change is happening there are also several potential advantages and it’s vital that you know from Day 1 that your child can accomplish anything they set their mind to. Dyslexia does not mean your child can’t learn how to read, write, and take needed tests to get into specialized programs or opportunities. It does mean that they will have to exert much more energy than their non-dyslexic peers to learn these skills and will need support, empathy, and empowerment along the way. You will need to be your child’s strongest advocate while you empower them to be their own strongest advocate long-term.

Be sure to check out the 2.5-minute video I mentioned above talking you through the answer to this common question: “Can my child with dyslexia learn how to read?” What other questions come up for you? Feel free to drop us a line @ Redwood Literacy with your question and we will do our best to answer it.
