Redwood's Mission & Core Values

This summer, Redwood’s board gathered to engage in strategic planning around our mission and core values. Defining our mission ensures all of us at Redwood are unified in our understanding of why we exist. Establishing core values orients our actions in a way that will help us achieve our mission. Both focus our decision making and remind us of what matters most in times of both success and challenge. 

After many hours of energizing conversation, we defined Redwood’s mission and core values as the following...

Mission: Redwood exists so that all students with literacy struggles can access their dreams. By cultivating hope and restoring confidence, we help students dramatically improve their literacy skills regardless of socio-economic background or learning differences. 

Core Values:

Justice: We recognize the value and dignity of each person and operate under the belief that all students with literacy struggles should have access to the reading intervention they need. 

Transparency: We collaborate with transparency, communicating both internally and externally with honesty and respect.

Optimism: We believe in our students, in our team, and in our mission. We strive for continuous improvement in order to best serve our students and their families. 

Results- Oriented: We deliver results through exceptional individualized instruction, overcoming obstacles to meet each learner's needs. 

Sustainability: We grow our services by prioritizing sustainability for ourselves, our employees, and our clients. 

We are so excited about what our mission and core values stand for. The process of outlining them helped us come together in our understanding of what we’re all about and feel proud of what we are aiming to accomplish for kids with literacy struggles across Chicago.


Redwood Year in Review: So Much Love & Gratitude


GUEST POST: Kristen McShane --- How Can We Intentionally Support our Children’s Understanding of Their Learning Strengths?