Redwood Literacy Chicago: Dyslexia Help & Intervention

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Dear Diagnosis Process, You Suck by Vanessa Eisenzimmer

Slam. Tears roll down my face as another phone call ends in frustration. Being the mom of a neurodivergent kid is HARD. After googling, reading Facebook threads, and talking with others moms I thought I knew how to start the process of an ADHD assessment for my daughter. But one conversation with one receptionist took away all my confidence. What’s crazy is that I also work at Redwood. I’m not a teacher, but for the past 3 years, I’ve heard the stories of students and families as they progress through the discovery, diagnosis, and intervention process. You would think that would make me well prepared to handle my own daughter’s needs. But it’s just different when it’s your child. There are more layers involved… fear, grief, even anger. It’s personal. As a mom who “should know what they’re doing” let me say, it’s ok if you feel confused and overwhelmed. That’s normal and understandable.

In fact, my experience is so common, that it inspired us to create a resource to help! Thus, the Diagnosing Learning Disabilities resource was born. This webpage was designed to help those of you who are at the beginning of the learning difference process. We hope this outline and the related resources will give you confidence and clarity as you move from suspicion to assessment and assessment to support. The challenges faced by parents of neurodivergent kids don’t start or end with testing. But it’s a vital step in finding clarity for you and your child, as well as access to the help they need and deserve. You got this! You are your child’s greatest resource and your advocacy for them will change their life.

**If you would like to see additional resources added to the Diagnosing Learning Disabilities page, email your suggestions to