Back to School

It’s that time of year again! Summer is beginning to fade and back-to-school is around the corner which means it’s time to get back into normal routines. Some of us mourn the end of summer and some are ready to get back to more consistent schedules. Regardless, we want what’s best for our kids right?! As we get ready to transition back to school, please help your child prepare using the following tips: 

1) Re-establish routines! Start a consistent bedtime routine at least a week before school begins. The first few weeks of school are exhausting, so having a bedtime routine pre-established can be super helpful. 

2) Create a distraction-free homework space at home. Your child can help you find a dedicated space to keep sharpened pencils, erasers and some essential school supplies that he/she can easily access during homework time. If you’re feeling ambitious you can even post a number line, alphabet chart, or other helpful visual tools for your child. 

3) Stock up with healthy food options. Make sure your child has a healthy breakfast in the morning, and an energy-boosting lunch to take with him/her to school. Easy ideas include grapes, strawberries, fruit leather, apple slices, carrots, celery, sandwiches, granola bars, crackers with cheese, etc. 

If you are really organized, you can prepare sandwiches and baggies of fruit and veggies over the weekend so your child can grab and go in the morning. 

4) Get excited! It’s contagious! Many schools have meet and greet time where students can meet their new teachers & reunite with classmates. Take your child to this important event to help him/her prepare for the transition back to school. (All Redwood Day students are welcome to attend Redwood Day’s Meet & Greet tonight from 6:30-7:30!) 

5) Ease any back to school jitters. It’s normal for students to be anxious upon returning to school. Talk to your child about what to expect. Discuss what they think they will do and learn, or what they are most looking forward to with starting school. It can also be great to go over examples of the kinds of work they will do daily.


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