Redwood Literacy Chicago: Dyslexia Help & Intervention

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Redwood Year in Review: So Much Love & Gratitude

What an incredible year 2019 has been! We literally cannot believe how many beautiful humans have given of their resources, invested their careers, and trusted Redwood with their children over the last 12 months. We wanted to highlight a few of them.

January: We celebrate the official 1-year anniversary of Redwood Literacy.

February: Redwood GROW, our non-profit side, was founded and funded by a generous donor! 6 schools across the city were chosen to receive full curriculum kits, training, student materials, ongoing coaching, and a stipend for completing the program for the 19-20 school year.

April: Becky Sinclair, educator extraordinaire, agreed to come on board as a Co-Founder for Redwood GROW and Head of School for Redwood Day. She makes Redwood 100% better and stronger

May: 10 students finish the very first year at Redwood Day School, making an average of TWO GRADE levels in total reading growth in ONE YEAR.

June-August: Redwood Literacy's second summer of camps serviced over 75 kids from all across the city! And about half of them attended at a reduced rate.

September: Redwood Day School started it's second year with 12 students K-8 and two new & amazing full-time teachers. Redwood Literacy expanded to a part-time staff of 4 after-school teachers and around 90 students were serviced weekly!

November: Redwood GROW received over $225,000 in donations to further the work of making reading remediation accessible. Yes, you read that number right! --- We are so thrilled to share with you some of the incredible things that means for 2020:

  1. 10 students 1st-8th grade from across the city will be able to attend our Summer Morning Intensive for almost-free AND receive a stipend for travel expenses to get to us.

  2. 3 students 1st-8th grade from across the city will be able to attend our full-day school program for the 20-21 school year at a super discounted tuition rate AND receive a stipend for travel expenses to get to us.

  3. 3 PreK, 3 Kindergarten, 3 first grade, and 3 second grade teachers from CPS schools around the city will get the FUNDATIONS workshop, curriculum kit, and ongoing coaching and support throughout the 20-21 school year with a stipend for participating in a full year of implementation.

  4. Redwood GROW was able to hire an Administrative Coordinator and will be hiring a Research Consultant to help us continue to GROW this important work around the city.

These are just a few of the things that are coming in 2020, but we are SO grateful and SO excited to see them develop. If you are interested in these opportunities, keep your eye out for applications coming in January and February and don't be afraid to reach out to in the meantime.

December: Redwood's Holiday Party --- 18 people gathered in the Feriante dining room for a 7-course meal catered by @chicagodennison and it was a fantastic evening on every level! The food was delectable, the company was perfection, and the toasts full of love and gratitude. Cannot wait to see what this team is going to do in 2020!

Wishing you all a warm and wonderful holiday and an incredible new year!

Kait & Becky